Is it just me, or are there more and more incompetent people out there? It seems as if it isn't in their job description, then they don't do "that." Whatever happened to good people who just want to give their best? Or be helpful? Or point you in the right direction? What happened to good ol' fashioned elbow grease? I don't tell my students, "Sorry, I can't help you tie your shoe because it isn't in my contract." I just needed to vent because I keep running into incompetence everywhere I go...
It isn't just you. I notice the same thing ALL THE TIME! My favorite thing to say lately is: "people suck." I catch myself saying it more and more often. Guy cuts me off on the road - "people suck," I step in gum - "people suck," I get crap service everywhere I go - "people suck." What's happening with everyone? I TRY to be courteous, friendly, and helpful (most of the time). I know YOU DO TOO. I guess we are abnormal.
Amen sister, though I actually got great help in Target the other day, shocking huh!
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